"What we do is not at all about Judaism and not about Chabad. It's much bigger than one religion or another," he said. "It relies on something real that can speak to anybody. It's about truth and memory."
I am now preparing to slog through blogs which wildly cheer this or boo this on both sides of the affiliation and observance fences by getting my psychic football helmet on.
Though, it isn’t as though I didn’t foresee it in a sort of paranoid worrying way. Young and estranged to begin with, then jumping headlong into Chabad seemed like trying to make peace with your self-doubt by joining the USMC.
I want Chabad people and Chasidim in general to understand I do not intend insult by that comparison. Structure and discipline are not easy and sometimes they are at odds with some people and their needs. G-d go with Matt and his search for peace with himself.