...but that doesn't mean by eyes will soon be turnin red, cryin's not for me, cause I'm never gonna stop the rockets by complainin... I'll use one of thee-ese... Nothins worryin me...
Okay, why is it we have to hear of Israel getting this junk shat on them over and over instead of one of these being deployed. I know for a fact being in the tech field that Israel has tech firms privately owned by Israeli citizens or Israeli investor backed groups that can put something like this together. Israel is not Rwanda. They can do this.
The question is, why don't they?
Also, calculating the most likely trajectory in reverse back to source is a piece of cake for today's computational systems. It may be rocket science, but the calculations are the sort young boys in America used to do fairly regularly in the field of model rocketry. Are we to believe no one can program a computer to automatically make a narrow range of assumptions based on sensor data as to what the rocket/missile was, and then extrapolate a path back to launch?
What do you do? You make a flying RPV that can be missile launched, and lob it back at them to then deploy in air and quickly get intelligence from the site, perhaps before the terrorists can leave.
Yeah, I know, you thought I'd say lob a missile. I'm being clever here and thinking ahead to the anti-Israeli crowd's reaction by making a lethal response a later choice instead of a fire and hope one up front which we all must admit is only giving Israel black eyes.